Friday, December 12, 2008
One of the most interesting point in Habermas’s theory is when he talks about how consumerism has taken the place of democracy, and therefore choice. This is interesting because most would assume that consumerism yield a lot of choice, however he argues that the idea of choice that consumerism offers, isn’t really choice at all, but more a cloud of smoke. The choice between different types of toothpaste isn’t a real choice, because you’ve already gotten to the point of choosing between products. He says that the real choice comes in the form of whether or not one participates in consumerism, and that that choice is a product from how democracy has changed.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Jameson and the "Impulse of Capitalism'
Tuesday, December 2nd class
Our discussion from Tuesday sparked my interest and really had me thinking for the rest of the week and weekend. Jameson’s interest in the "impulse in capitalism" is significant to today's society and media. Our society and media really emphasize this impulse in order to continue the conventional wisdom of the American Dream that is orchestrated through all media outlets in American society. People consume, consume, and continue to consume in order to continue this conventional wisdom and to keep up in this materialism crazed society. In particular, we discussed in class advertising and the role it has on consumers. The example posed in class was
Jameson and Nostalgia
Thursday, December 4, 2008
The Plague is 9/11
In the beginning of his article, he describes the plague that hit a nineteenth century town. All the people were to stay inside their homes, fearing death if they disobeyed. Everything that happened during this plague hold up was recorded by officials who would come by the houses daily to see if anyone had died, was deathly ill, or was still healthy. This event gave the officials the right to take over the power of the people. Foucault says that the plague is a type of dream for those who are in power because it gives them free reign to govern over the people how ever they please.
I related this to a modern day event, 9/11. I feel as thought the terrorists represent the plague. They was led into our country unknowingly. After that day occurred, we were scared, didn't want to travel or leave home. The Bush administration told us that we were at a code red and that everyone should look out for people who looked like "the terrorists". The people of America did not think twice when Bush told us that we were going to war to fight the terrorists. He had total control. He dreamed of this situation. Any thought?
"Wow, weather is so exciting!"...
Anyway, as I was watching the anchors, they kept being extremely concerned and saying the same information over and over. I asked why they were staying on the air for so long and someone told me that it was policy. I personally think that the news company thought they would get more ratings by making a small weather warning look like a catastrophe. Because this event only happens a couple times a year, they knew that they would get some excitement into the program by following the tornado minute by minute. I guess this way is more exciting, but the anchors should try to change it up, not always follow the old journalistic ways that have worked throughout the past.
Scripting Reality
In class we also discussed how the news is scripted, and how there are only a few story types we are presented with. We discussed how the weather became scripted by the Weather Channel. I started to make connections to my prior class, social psychology, where we thought about how real life is often scripted. When we think of a first date, we think of the awkward picking up of the girl at her parent's house, the romantic comedy movie, the dinner at Olive Garden, and the terrifying kiss good night. Real life, through constant media reinforcement, becomes scripted. When consumerism is written into the script, that's where the bureaucracy wins.
Boudieu - On Television
Television is totally structured in ways which it always has been. It is mainly for our viewing pleasure, yet sometimes has programs which inspire us to do ore with our lives. Journalists have the control to make us think in certain ways. If you are watching the nightly news and Katie Couric tells you that we should all put our money into Mac Computers because PC's are going down the toilet, I'll bet you at least half of her audience will do so.
Audience rating are a big part of television programming. If a TV show has a horrible rating, it will be off the air within 2 weeks. How do the people behind the ideas of these shows know what is going to make it and what idea is not? Well, when one has a news program, the most important thing is to have people know about it. It is important to use all different types of media (newspapers, internet, etc) to publicize the new show. This article reveals the truths about how television is extremely political.
Butler - Gender Trouble
In Judith Butler's article, she grapples with the idea that women have been wrongly looked at for years. When we are born, we are told by are parents and the media how we should act, either as little girls or little boys. If you're a boy, you are told that you should go play with trucks and tools. If you are a girl, you should like pink, play with princess dolls and have an unhealthy infatuation with Barbie. But why are we placed into these two categories, and what if the way you are does not fit under the name category which you have been given.
Butler believes that women have been oppressed due to a universal patriarchy run by men. To an extent, I do believe her. When I look at McDonalds kids meals, the toys are different for girls and boys. For a boy, the ad is usually in blue, green, or red and shows a "tough guy" modeling with the specific toy. Usually it is a transformer doll or something. For the girls, it's usually Barbie or something like that. One time I saw that instead of toys they were giving out games. The girls game was a "Bratz" game. On each game space the girls would be told, "Looks like you have to come up with a new hair style!", or "Meet Brandie at the mall at 6:00!". When I looked at the boys game it was a scientific search! This is a prime example of what Butler addresses throughout her article.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Class Response on Jameson
Judith Butler from 'Gender Trouble'
We are separated often by race,class, ethnicity, and gender. The political assumption is that there must be a universal basis for Feminism according to Butler. Feminism is associated with the notion of oppression and even masculine domination. Butler explains how the claims of a patriarchal society are no longer as credible as they once were, and how feminism is misunderstood.
In my opinion the term women, is troublesome. It is troublesome in the sense that women are still separate from men in terms of what they have the ability to accomplish. I am not a feminist, I feel if I were I would understand more of what Butler is trying to accomplish with her piece.
"The identity of the feminist subject ought not to be the foundation of feminist politics, if the formation of the subject takes place within a field of power regularly buried through the assertion of the foundation."
In my opinion she is trying to say that the feminist's identity ashould not control their identity as representing themselves.
SW...Mostly Parody
“During the class discussion on Jameson, we discussed schizophrenia as “the breakdown of the signifying chain.” By this, I think he meant that “schizophrenia” arises when there is a break down between Signifiers and the Signified.”
For some reason this made me think of binary oppositions and Derrida’s idea of deconstruction. How we can’t get around the absence and the presence. By just switching it to absence/presence doesn’t mean anything. It doesn’t get around the trace that it already is. It is not meant to destroy the binary opposition, to make them equal, simply to understand what it is a trace of. To become aware of these constructed ideals.
Isn’t parody intertext in many ways? I mean if parody means to mock something, one must have an idea of the piece being mocked in order to fully understand it correct? Again I will bring up Lisa’s ever so present example of family guy. This show mocks many things—possibly my favorite, is Starwars—and in these parodies there is obviously intertext at work. This sense of a trace as well. What might happen is one day, someone will parody Family Guy, and eventually the idea that Starwars was ever an “original” could be lost in trace. Kinda like how through language we lose meaning (anyone remember the “flesh eating dwelling that reproduces?).
Are all parodies intertexulized? Is all funny intertext parody?
--Scarlett Wishes
Ignoring the problem
Butler "Gender Trouble"
Parody-Post Class
Parody "On Television"?
Bourdieu suggests the mindless programming be replaced with captivating, questioning, offending works. Are there such works on television today? To coincide with the week’s other reading by Jameson, I think that thoughtful programming does exist, however, it is in a sort of parody form of the other shows. For example, Comedy Central distributes a number of politically questioning programming, like The Daily Show, The Colbert Report, Chocolate News, and even South Park. These shows make political statements and present unnerving scenarios. They often offend greatly, but some how receive audience approval as well. Through comedy, and the “laughter effect,” people can be stimulated by opinionated programming. If its all fun and games, how can it seriously offend? Perhaps the easily offended people do not watch these shows, or misunderstand the content’s paradoxical sense (as often is the case with the extreme right wing and The Colbert Report). Yet, perhaps even, it is because of their large differences with the “ordinary” shows, they have become a cultural phenomenon. Now the question becomes will this type of parody programming become the norm, and if so, will it then become the ordinary for Bourdieu as well?
Jameson- Post Class
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Jameson Post Class
There are many films and some television shows that have been made in the past and/or present that represent a certain time period. These are meant to give the viewer a certain idea of what that time period was like to live in. Immediately I thought of the television show “That 70’s Show.” As stated in the title, this comedy portrayed the ways that those who were growing up in that time acted like and the things that they did.
We talked about this show in class one day as an example of representation of the old in the current day, and how its representation was a way for those of us who didn’t live in that time period to experience what it was like (according to the creators). When watching this show there are certainly situations between the group of friends and between the families that I can relate to. This is what makes the show so funny. A comedian Dane Cook said in one of his older skits that the things he says are funny because they are true. I completely agree with this. A lot of the times that I am laughing at this show it is because I can relate to what’s going on. This show holds a great nostalgia because its permission to relate to and laugh at its situations makes you feel like you could have been a part of this time period.
Post-class Dec. 2
In class, the Victoria’s Secret fashion show was brought up as an example of a pastiche of the human body. Unlike the vestiges from Ancient Greece celebrating the beauty of humanity, the Victoria’s Secret extravaganza exploits the body in order to make a profit and sell lingerie. Although I understand how Jameson can find recreations like this “empty” in the sense that they do not place a value upon thought, creation, and representation like many classic remnants of artworks do, I think these representations are valuable in a different mindset as well. They denounce what Jameson describes as the current dominate form of culture- that which is postmodern. Culture and art in Jameson’s postmodern sense idealizes the virtues of capitalism. The works are made for the purpose of profit, no longer expression. This is not to say this form of art and culture is less worthy of production than the intellectual works, but it does show the shift of values of the culture of our time. Although the works are pastiche and lack, as Jameson suggests, historical and political impact in the intellectual sense, they are meaningful in the capitalist society and thus are a huge part of our current culture.
Monday, December 1, 2008
"It's Just Made for Television"
"Its just made for television" caught my attention. I interpreted Bourdieu’s statement as means to validate the variety of topics that are seen on TV. Recently, TV has become more sexualized and orientated towards drugs and alcohols. These themes are frequently found in almost every television show aired. I interpreted Bourdieu's quote as the justification for the inappropriate content found on TV. I think this statement can be used to justify the exorbitant amounts of sex and drug use that is often incorporated in any successful show aired. Sex and drugs are two themes which do capture viewer’s attentions and make these shows successful. These topics are appealing to many and make the television shows interesting. It's nearly impossible to watch a TV show that doesn't have sex and drug use or a reference to either of the two. TV impacts so many people and has the power to reach so many audiences so people on all levels are being influenced by the content found in television shows. In addition, I think the quote “ The evening news on French TV beings together more people than all the French newspapers together, morning and evening editions included. . . When the information supplied by a single news medium becomes a universal source of news, the resulting political and cultural effects are clear” ( 328). With this being true, so many French citizens are connected through this powerful communication outlet. This is fascinating because it really validates how TV affects people and can have an impact on what they see and hear about reality and worldly news. American TV has been known to falsify reality and alter the news. Since this outlet is so powerful and influential it’s hard for people to differentiate what’s been altered and what hasn’t. Therefore, maybe we aren’t getting the correct information and news but it’s playing a role in how we view the world and the rest of media.
Kelsey Pike. Bourdieu.
Bourdeu and Tv
stories are always different. Collectively, individuals are able to come together, yet remain in their own homes, and watch the same program. It has all real stories and real situations that we as viewers are first exposed to by them. Bourdeu calls this “homoginization.” Whereas newspapers are read at different times, and often show many different points of views for readers. Television news is something that always remains constant, thus making it one of our most effective forms of media.
Bourdeu and Tv
stories are always different. Collectively, individuals are able to come together, yet remain in their own homes, and watch the same program. It has all real stories and real situations that we as viewers are first exposed to by them. Bourdeu calls this “homoginization.” Whereas newspapers are read at different times, and often show many different points of views for readers. Television news is something that always remains constant, thus making it one of our most effective forms of media.
Marx: Ruling Ideas
"...the class which is the ruling material force of society is at the same time its ruling intellectual force."
This quote is a major theme in our ideologies that we live by. People who have the means to produce products make the hegemonic ideas of our society. These products are not only material products, they are also the ideas of the ruling class. For example, if a big corporation puts out a beauty product that supposedly takes back time by removing wrinkles, the lower classes believe that wrinkles must be bad and that they should go out and buy the product. This implements the ideas of the ruling class to those who are not in the ruling class.
Those who are in the ruling class wants those who are not to believe that these ideas are true. In most cases it works, but slowly and surly I believe many are becoming aware of the truths behind these ideas. These hegemonic thoughts are put into play so that those in the ruling class can stay there and make a profit off of the lower classes. They disguise their thoughts through the media and celebrities. They use people to sell their products who either look 'just like us' or choose people who are too perfect which keeps those who are 'normal' always striving for something better.
Constantly Being Disciplined
This quote sums up the main idea of Foucault's article. As we walk through our daily lives it is sometimes hard to believe that we are constantly being watched. Even as I walk around campus, I don't see any cameras, but I know they are there. Not only do we have cameras on this campus, but there are also campus security and RA's walking through the dormitories to make sure no one needs to be disciplined.
In class, we talked about a new social code that will be implemented sometime next year. It will tell students to watch out for one another and to let someone in authority know if someone is acting in a 'bad' way. The quote above explains how even though we are not always watched, we still act as though we are. Kelsey gave a great example of the mirrors that are in Walgreens. We can't see to the other side, but because they are there, we would think twice before doing something like stealing.
In the show Gossip Girl, the main characters are always under surveillance because everyone has the power to capture the moment with their cell phone cameras. These days, everyone has the power. No longer is it a couple of people at the top, it includes everyone with the technology at their finger tips.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Bell Hooks
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Tuesday's class
I agree with this quote, our society is not of spectacle, but we are under surveillance. Technology has given people the ability to find out where people are, what they may be doing, and some technology can pin point the exact place people may be. I know it particular cell phones if you have another person's number somehow it has the ability to show you where they are. On facebook as we all know, people offer information on themselves and tell their friends where they are or what they are doing and even how they feel. On XBOX360, you can find out what games your friends are playing, when the last time they were on, or even what movie they are watching. Everywhere we see this notion of surveilance. It has become more evident in our government today. I believe this example was given in class, but take 'The Patriot Act'. Government made it possible to use "surveillance" if they thought it was necessary. "Surveillance" has become more prominent in society. The more technology we have it seems we have more surveillance in our society.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
A Propaganda Model
A Propaganda Model
Dr. McLaren's visit
I thoroughly enjoyed Dr. McLaren’s extremely educating, enticing, and illuminating visit to our class. I really learned so much about Foucault and I think it was nice and interesting to have a guest speaker. Its nice to get different perspectives on theorists and ideas. A specific idea we discussed sparked my intrigue as well got me thinking more in deeply about Foucault. The hit television series called Gossip Girl came up in terms of surveillance and power. The class was talking about the internet and Dr. MacLaren chipped in and agreed with our thoughts how the internet is a huge power means that controls us as well as acts a communication outlet which has means to watch us and govern us. Anything that’s put on the internet can be pulled up by the government. One can broadcast his or her life on the internet and then in the future, companies can pull up the information you presented about yourself. Gossip girl has an internet blog which acts as a means of surveillance and power in the show much like our theorist Foucault discusses in his piece, The Panopticon. The show revolves around the sexualized, highly drug induced lifestyles of
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
post class post nov. 18: foucalt
For example, “unauthorized collaboration” is a slippery term. Some teachers take this to mean any sort of interaction between students, as sometimes applied as such during testing situations, but it could also bar discussions not with classmates, but with, instead, outside students that may have already taken the class and possess the common knowledge the students “need” to come up with themselves. In any terms, the definition of plagiarism vs. sharing vs. collaboration is sometimes interpretable and the good and bad notions associated with each are entirely dependent upon the norms of society. For example, our society states “copying” is bad and wrong, yet not in all cases is it against the “law” and sometimes, as for example medical patents run out and generic drugs become available, “copying” can be a good thing as well.
The plagiarizing of ideas also becomes a sticky situation. Where is the line drawn between a copy and a built-on idea? When does an addition to a basic idea become allowed to be a completely new idea? In our international media class, it was stated that there were only 40 truly different stories in the news; everything else is a copy in different wordings. Are those copied news stories plagiarized because they are essentially the same as another? Did I just commit a foul myself as I did not correctly attribute the particular statement to its rightful “owner”? Also, in a technicality, how can an idea or a grouping of words be “owned” by one person only?
Media and Surveillance
Derrida's 'Differance'
The most interesting part of his lecture was when he was discussing a word’s context. Can there be a word that does not have any existing context surrounding it? Is it led or lead? Is it bass or bass (fish)? But if there was no context, then how could we make sense of anything with language?
I am still confused on the concept of Alterity. I know it’s definition means to put yourself as the other when communicating but does this mean putting myself as the other so that I can understand the person better?
Monday, November 17, 2008
Foucalt and the Panoptican
The government does this to all of America. Everywhere we go there is most likely surveillance. Cameras are located in many locations in order to prevent shoplifting as well as to protect those in the surrounding areas (such as in banks, museums, government buildings etc.) from possible armed robberies and more things along these lines. However, the surveillance put out by the government is not always there for protection. Take Walmart for example, Every product that is bought at Walmart has a tag on it that informs the government who bought it, where they live, how old they are etc. This could be considered as an infringement on privacy. No one wants to have tabs kept on them when they just want to buy something at the store (Walmart). The Panoptican was created in order to keep constant surveillance on those who did wrong, but there is an entire nation that is living in a form of the Panoptican who did not do anything to cause those in power to be constantly viewing how they live their lives.
The Silence of the Palace
The idea of silence and its importance reminded me of Macharey and what he said about silence being significant. He said that what is not said is sometimes more important than what is said. Those who do not speak sometimes have more control than those who do. With silence there is less room for mistakes. People cannot use words you have said against you. The motto in the palace was if you are silent you are safe and taken care of. However, I would not say that these women were safe by any means. Even though they were doing their part and serving the men of the house while keeping quiet, they were still used for sexual entertainment and forced to go through painful procedures in order to kill children that were growing inside of them, which they did not have the choice to keep if they wanted too. Women died because of these procedures and/or lived their life with pain and regret. But because of their silence, these things kept happening to them. This makes me believe that silence in this case was not a good idea, but still very significant.
“Our society is one not of spectacle, but of surveillance” plays a role in contemporary, American culture. Foucault’s really made a point with his statement. This makes me think of our government and how much is hidden from the American public. Our government keeps on eye on everyone and everything in this society. It is a frightening reality. For instance, the area 51 in
Walgreens tries to do this same thing. In Walgreen’s stores, the upper walls are trimmed with mirrors. He or she shopping in Walgreens starts to think he or she is being watched simply because he or she sees themselves. When, in actuality, I’m sure the security at Walgreens is much more lax than that. The individual is subjected to visibility and assumes responsibility for the constraints of power. He or she recognizes they can be seen and act accordingly.
But then we go to Disney. The whole park is meant to look like there is no security, except for the “Disney security” officers in their very rugged, yet adorable costumes. Hardly the look of law enforcement. Anyways, individuals don’t see themselves in the lines of visibility. He or she goes about their day as if they aren’t being monitored by higher beings. They see themselves as part of the crowd.
Besides at Disney, where your life for that day is shrouded in fantasy where monitoring seemingly can’t touch you, people have come to understand they are always being watched. I remember seeing this news report where they monitored how many times a person was picked up on surveillance throughout a day. Since then, (the number was shockingly high), I’ve been over-aware of my surroundings. Sometimes I try to find the cameras. I always want to know who is watching me and always stop short of behaving “out of line” when I see one. How can this allusive power have any control over my being?
Kelsey. Focault.
The second thing Foucault touches on is this construction of Panopticon. This building makes it possible for an overseer to see everything that happens in the smaller vessels. This building reiterates the notion that “visibility is a trap” (97). Foucault goes on to discuss how power is upheld when there is a sense that everything is visible “All that is needed then, is to place a supervisor in a central tower and to shut up in each cell a madman, a patient, a condemned man, a worker or a schoolboy” (97). This idea reinforces class and power through visibility and the lack of freedom of the condemned. Foucault points out that our society is one of surveillance. He states that we are constantly training other useful forces to replace those who enforce power. For example the overseer, “Any individual taken almost at random, can operate the machine: in absence of the director, his family, his friends, his visitors, even his servants (Bentham, 45) (99).
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Foucault and relgion
BG’s blog post caught my attention and I felt a connection with this person’s post. The quote that initially grabbed my attention as well as provoked my interest in this point was
“He who is subjected to a field of visibility, and who knows it, assumes responsibility for the constraints of power; he makes them play spontaneously upon himself; he inscribes in himself the power relation in which he simultaneously plays both roles; he becomes the principle of his own subjection.” (99). Foucault’s statements can be connected with the idea of religion as BG mentions. The topic of religion is one that is highly controversial and extremely difficult to define. However, I felt strongly about a few ideas that BG had commented on in the blog. For example, it was clear that religion and its principal is all about order. And it does this by “creating the identity of its followers”. This rings true in the topic of religion because most religions re based on this idea. Religion is all about unity of its followers and the identity is thus created through order. Order must be present for the followers to have any structure and identify with the religion of his or her choice. The idea of God being present at all times in an individual’s life is interesting and correlates with Foucault’s quote. Visibility is identified in all religion in terms of Gods, or hierarchy. Whoever is the higher being in charge in whatever religion is the visible force within the structure of the religion. Followers of a certain religion can understand how a bigger force is the visible force and dictates all that the followers believe. The concept of being visible governs people’s actions and ideas. How they think and act towards other being is governed by religion since he or she knows that the higher power is at watch always. I think these points raise valid questions and make one really take a step back and analyze his or her life. Religion is a true force that governs people who take part in his or her religion of choice.
Jacques Derrida (Post Lecture)
He stated that Jacques Derrida's underlying principle is logocentrism, which we defined as logo meaning word and centrism as central. The word is at the beginning of it all. In the beginning of the lecture we were asked to look at the word Hell, then a symbol of the shell gas station, the the word S ELL, and then again Hell. These examples proved that in a short span of time, one signifier changes after relation to other signifiers. Then we looked at Derrida's notion of 'the trace', which I took note as synaptic ideas in our brain (once we see it, we can never go back). The example given was the etch-a-scketh, where if you leave a particular scketch on it, then try to erase it, it leaves a trace of that particular picture you can never get rid of. A great quote about the trace by Derrida was "you cannot escape this concept," he is saying you cannot get outside of ideology, the trace is always working on you.
We also learned about his concepts of Erasure, and Difference/Differance and Alterity.
Prior to the lecture I was unsure of what Derrida's ideas and concepts were, after the class I feel confident in my knowledge of his concepts and I can even relate him to other theorists.
Lecture Response
Foucault Fo Sho
I found this passage from Foucault particularly interesting. He goes on to talk about how many different types of social institutions use the Panopticon principle of power to create/maintain social order and discipline. When reading these excerpts, I could not help but think about religion.
Religion keeps order by creating the identity of its followers. The dogma assigns a particular relationship between the practitioner, and the ultimate power: God. The concept of God is the same as the idea of the guard in the central tower, and relies on the same principles to create order. With God, all people are constantly visible; God is omniscient and omnipresent, he knows where you are and what you are doing at all times.
The concept of God one-ups the Panopticon mechanism, because God’s vigilance is not unverifiable. In a prison, it is important that the inmates do not know when they are being watched. The presence of surveillance must be unverifiable. God does one better: God is always watching. There is no guess work with God, you don’t wonder—you ARE being watched.
Practitioners of a religion are the ones always in the field of visibility. Because we know that we are being watched by the ultimate authority at all times, we internalize the “will of God” (as outlined by the dogma of our religion), and we thus become the principle of our own subjection. We do all that we can to avoid offending God. The desire to remain part of the dominant binary opposition (of those going to heaven, as opposed to those going to hell) also provides us with incentive to follow the rules. The fear of being outcast by the other members of our religious community further fuels our fear and encourages us to remain disciplined and behave “properly.”
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Pre-class Foucault
First, the concept of modern surveillance of technologies does not mean and has not meant that the use of these technologies only lead to legal acts. Any computer can easily be traced, and all the savings and travels (online, etc) of that computer can be tracked and recorded. The threat of surveillance alone is certainly there. However, what is missing for media pirates, predators, scam artists, and the like is the pairing of the surveillance threat with an eminent physical threat. Therefore, the illegal actions take place even with the potential for observation because there is no system for actual punishment- there is no fear associated with this type of surveillance.
On the flip side, even if there was constant surveillance and the fear of physical punishment, illegal activities would most certainly still continue in the holes and gaps reality will impose upon the system. Even theologically, the system is flawed by inherent potential for “good” and “evil” within anyone according to their situation and the rationale purpose of a prison (at least in the US) as a rehabilitation center. Our own system of jailing proves over and over again how fear only quells a desire for so long, before the desire overtakes the fear. For example, we have one of the highest re-incarceration rates in the world- why: because our main rationale for people inclined to commit crimes is not to teach and change their life in a positive way, but instead to give them the fear of being jailed again. Obviously, the fear goes away after a time and the emotions superficially associated with the negative are dulled, and the intrinsic actions reoccur.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Class Response to Derrida
Thursday, November 13, 2008
I am having difficulties with the idea that the word is God. There was life before speech. How about animals with no means of language? Have they reached a state of Ur? I disagree, animals still are no closer to discerning the ultimate truth without language than we are with it. They cannot communicate their biases, but they still have them. A monkey is intelligent enough to hold vendettas against other monkeys. It can see the world differently than the monkey standing next to it.
Does a virus understand the ultimate meaning? Does a plankton? A jellyfish? Or is it only humans who can try to conceive the "ultimate truth"?
Derrida after class.
Besides this example, it also happens with other commercials and the songs used. For instance, there is a commercial with Yeah Yeah Yeah’s singer Karen O. It’s Adidas I believe. Anyways, when I saw them recently, as I looked at her, my mind reverted back to the Adidas commercial. But while I watch the commercial I see Karen O pulling crazy onstage antics in bizarre outfits. What I’ve seen leaves an impression and impacts the other. Since music is usually what I pay attention to in commercials, they become sharply embedded in my consciousness. I start to define brands by the songs in their commercials.
Kelsey. November 13.
Derrida, 'Differance'
When describing what ‘’to differ’ actually means in the first paragraph of the article, this quote is used. Although I can’t quite grasp what this quote means, I know it is taking on a word that is extremely hard to define in my eyes. After reading the blog by Scarlet Wishes, I was a lot less confused on what Derrida was trying to say.
I like the idea of relating this to Barthes’ idea of ‘the gap’. I think to be different means something is not there. If something were normal, it would be composed of everything we have been taught to think is normal. It goes a long with the notion that 5 minus 2 equals 3. Three is different than five because it is worth 2 less. But what makes something different? How do we know it is real?
When something that is different, it does not mean that it is a bad thing. Yes 5 might be more than 3, but when we look at the notion of filling in the gap, Barthes understood it as something good and informative. I still find myself confused on many of the sentences that are in the article, I’m hoping today’s lecture will clear it up for me.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
SW Derrida
I think Derrida relates to Macherey in the idea it is important to understand and look at what is not being said. Maybe more importantly it relates to Barthes and the idea of the gap. But perhaps it is not the gap we usually think of. In my previous example of the difference between 5 and 7 being 2… we focused on 2, not the fact that 5 is common between the two, and what that might tell us.
This whole concept of “a” vs. “e” is something I am faced with on a (nearly) day to day basis. I have a name the can be spelled either way. I don’t hear the difference in spellings (at least I don’t), yet people either ask, or I always correct them if it is written incorrectly. Perhaps this is what Derrida means when he said it is not, “far from signaling the death of the king” (122). I get the difference of names, yet I am still perplexed by the idea of difference and differance. Hmm, I am typing in Word and differ “a”nce was auto corrected twice. I guess Word doesn’t know what’s going on either (but does it ever really?).
--Scarlett Wishes
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Jean Baudrillard
Baudrillard's major themes are hyperreality and simulation in The Precession of Simulacra. These words refer to the virtual or unreal nature of contemporary culture in the age of mass communication and mass consumption, which is what we are in today. We live in a world dominated by simulated experience and feelings and have lost the ability to comprehend reality as it exists. We only experience prepared realities, in class we looked at pictures of war scenes. Where you could barely tell the difference on what was real. In the first picture we were posed the question was it real, or was it a movie set? If I do recall correctly it was a movie set, which depicted a war scene, it was essentially a prepared reality. Our media has the ability to make us feel any way they please (they simulate our feelings).
Ex: The president initially used metaphors in order to make us believe the war in iraq wasn't on iraq. It was "The War on Terrorism" and of course our country would support that.
That is an example of how our feelings were simulated in feeling patriotism towards our country, therefore we were swayed to be for war.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
jeans and tattoos
Another idea we discussed was how countercultures act as floating signifiers but become fixed when they are commodified. When I hear this I immediately think of my life with jeans. I grew up with two brothers and two neighborhood boys, so I didn’t really care about fashion. My mom came home with these flare jeans (this was back when flare had its comeback), which I refused to wear, I only liked straight. Anyways, this whole new wave of flare jeans, kind of erased the bohemian aesthetic and hippie culture relating to them. Their commodification froze the flare jean message attached to peace and freedom. They were just a part of everyday culture. They lost their entire basis of ‘being’.
A year or so after this I started listening to The Strokes and Kings of Leon. Both bands wear extremely tight tapered jeans (KOL has song – tapered jean girl), so I instantly subscribed to this fashion. Of course it was terribly hard to find tapered jeans. However, after a few years when models/celebrities started also wearing these jeans, it caught on. The jean was commodified and everyone walks around in them today. I Othered myself in high school with these jeans and then suddenly they were everywhere. The original sentiment of ‘cool’ I felt from them (with attachment to the music scene) was diminished. Although they are now easy to find, they lose the initial appeal they had to me. They are no longer the beloved outsider hip jean, but the embraced commodified one. They became normalized, embraced, and redefined.
Kelsey. 11/4.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Class Response Post for 11/4
The idea of the designer bags and clothes relating to our status and power in society plays into the concept of the real. Companies are demonstrating the notion of intertexuality by producing items that are as close to the original product as possible. For example, Louis Vuitton bags are one of the most expensive bags to purchase, however, more and more companies are coming out with bags that replicate the Louis Vuitton monogram for much less money. Forever 21 is using this concept as well by replicating a number of designers original clothing and tweaking them the tiniest bit to make them a little different but they are essentially the same. The notion of authenticity is questioned in these types of markets because essentially the companies who are charging a ridiculous amount of money for certain style products are losing that power that places them higher on our social hierarchy.
interdependency (sp?)
SW "culture industry cultivates false needs"
12 New 'Necessities' That Drain Your Cash
Dirty dozen
Many of today's new "necessities" actually are entitlements that leave people deeper in debt. Here are 12 "new necessities" you might find you can downsize or even live without. Average prices quoted are courtesy of except where noted:
Daily Latte
The notion of giving up your daily latte and getting rich has become a cliché for a reason: A barista-made latte costs roughly 100 times what a homebrewed cup of Joe does.
Would you pay $1,000 for a pizza? Get real.
Brew your own and save $25 a week, or $1,300 a year.
Cable TV
Bruce Springsteen described cable TV succinctly in his song "57 Channels (And Nothin' On)." But even if you can't imagine living without C-SPAN, you can save by dropping premium cable while holding onto basic service.
Dropping premium channels should save you about $25 to $30 a month, or $300 to $360 a year.
If you're more ambitious, you can save a bundle by dropping premium and basic service. Basic service often runs about $30 to $35 a month, or $360 to $420 a year. So if you drop cable entirely, you'll save $55 to $65 a month, or $660 to $780 annually.
Standard manicures average $10 to $15 at nail shops and $20 to $25 at spas and salons. Standard pedicures run $15 to $25 (nail shops) and $35 to $40 (spas and salons). Acrylic nails run $25 to $35 (nail shops) and $35 to $45 (spas and salons).
If you only skipped one of each per month, you would save $50 to $110 a month, or $600 to $1,200 a year. Just doing your own weekly manicure will save you $520 to $1,300 annually.
What, give up Botox? Don't frown. Those treatments -- typically scheduled every three months -- cost on average between $300 and $1,200 per visit.
Let nature take its course and save $1,200 to $4,800 a year.
Bottled Water
Some people consider bottled water a necessity, even though the perfect low-cost alternative is available from any faucet in their home.
"Bottled water drives me crazy," Hunt says. "There are so many studies that show that tap water is better for our kids because it has fluoride and it's not stripped of all the minerals."
Drink tap water and pocket the $25 to $40 monthly fee for bottled water delivery, based on online averages.
Second Car
Hands down, a second car is the highest-ticket "new necessity" in America today. It's so prevalent that Yeager is doing his book promotion tour by bike just to point up the sheer absurdity of our one-person, one-car paradigm.
Hunt, who routinely leased a new car every three years for 22 years until her finances crashed and burned, tried carpooling with her husband 10 years ago and never bought another car.
"I said, 'You know what? Oprah has a driver,'" she says. "That was such a wakeup call to me, because a car had become a necessity of life."
Not only does she not miss the car payment, maintenance, license, registration, insurance fees and outlay for gas ("We save at least $1,000 a month," she estimates), but there's that domino effect: She no longer zooms off to the mall to shop at the hint of a sale.
Cell Phone
Those TV ads that feature parents distraught over their family's cell phone bill may qualify as truth in advertising for once.
"This drives me crazy," Hunt says. "I'm sorry, a 4-year-old does not need a cell phone. I think even a family with teenagers could get by with one or two prepaid phones that they pass around."
You can save $40 to $60 per month on average, or $480 to $720 per year, for every cell phone you eliminate. A prepaid plan used sparingly will save you money over a contract plan.
Lawn Service
Here's the rationalization for a lawn service: My time is worth more than I'm paying them to cut my grass. Heck, it's actually a savings!
Well, yes -- if you were mowing your lawn during business hours instead of at night or on the weekend with the rest of us.
The average cost for weekly mowing, hedge trimming and leaf blowing is $65 to $90. It's hardly a savings to shell out $260 to $360 a month, is it? Mow your own and save the dough.
If you do enough lawn and garden work, you may even save the $35 to $40 you shell out each month for your fitness club membership.
Where would retailers be if we only bought clothes we need?
"I'm not a fashion-conscious guy, but I've observed that clothes, even the cheapest clothes, last forever," Yeager says. "When was the last time you truly wore something out?"
While we're not suggesting you dress in rags -- or worse, go without clothes altogether -- satisfying your wardrobe jones with a measure of frugality can save a bundle.
"I think most Americans could easily go for one year without buying any new clothes," Yeager says.
Private School
Give up private school? Are you crazy?!
"A lot of parents almost feel that they are abusing their children if they don't send them to private school," Hunt says. "I don't agree with that."
Instead, Hunt believes parents can save a bundle -- and provide their children with a top-notch education -- by sticking with public schools.
"I'm a huge proponent of public school," she says. "I think some private schools are actually inferior because sometimes their instructors don't have to be credentialed."
Oh, did we mention that you're already paying for public school anyway? Go public and save anywhere from $8,000 to $35,000 per year, according to the Boarding School Review Web site.
Childhood Parties
If you don't have kids, you probably can't appreciate how out-of-control children's birthday parties have become.
"Every kid has to have a bouncy house for their birthday," says Hunt, who lives in Southern California. "It's not enough to have just a cake; you have to have a meal. And now you have to invite the parents."
Hunt adds that such celebrations no longer are restricted to "big" birthdays, but occur every year.
"And they celebrate graduations, from preschool, for kindergarten, for elementary, junior high," she says. "When they get to be teens, the whole group has to go somewhere. By the time you graduate high school, now you go to Aruba."
Young parents, you've been warned.
Pet grooming/Walking
The cost of grooming your dog averages $30 to $50 for small breeds, $50 to $70 for midsize breeds and $70 to $90 for large breeds. A pet walker on average runs $15 to $27 per walk.
To save money, invest in a $25 set of electric clippers and learn online about how to groom your pet. You'll pay for the razor with the first haircut.
And wouldn't a daily walk do you both some good?"
Of course some of this is extreme, especially the botox, but is it wrong?