Wednesday, November 19, 2008

A Propaganda Model

Edward Herman and Noam Chomsky's piece titled "A Propaganda Model" reminded me of many of the readings we have had for cmc200 on the biases in the media.  Herman and Chomsky present the notion that there are biases in the media, and blame issues, or what they call "filters" such as funding, sourcing, advertising, ownership, Flak, and the ideology of anti-communism for these biases.

Looking at ownership specifically, I was reminded of a previous reading on biases in the news.  It seems to be common knowledge amongst those educated that many news channels possess biases.  It was all too noticeable during this past election concerning major networks such as Fox News and CNN who clearly had their favored candidate, and seemed to openly let the public know their views.  The most memorable mention of the article was focused on Fox News, which is controversially biased toward the conservative and politically Republican crowd.  They inform the reader of Fox News' private ownership of over 100 networks or stations.  One single man owns those networks, thus one single man has the final call as to what information his network distributes.  This same article was comparing the different war coverage between news channels in attempt to alert the reader that we are being shown what the stations want us to believe, rather that what is true and our reality.  As an example of the bias presented on Fox News in particular, it has been brought to their attention that the owner of Fox News wrote a lengthy pro George Bush speech and insisted every single person on each of his networks to read his "declaration" when the were presented on air right after we entered the war in Iraq.  While it seems like he is simple exercise of freedom of speech, the news and media has a certain obligation to report the reality to its viewers.  Yes, it may be reality, or news, but it is not the whole story.

I believe that all networks should present each side of the story, and the information necessary for the trusting viewers to make an educated decision or conclusion on the issues facing the world today.  If the network interviews a republican, then they should interview a democrat to present their ideals.  I am not suggesting closing mouths and minds on opinions, but be sure to allow others to add theirs as well.  It is the duty of the media to rid of biases, and to present sides equally.  Otherwise our country and even world as a whole will never be able to unite.

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