Sunday, November 16, 2008

Lecture Response

I read the piece on difference prior to Dr. Casey's lecture, and to my surprise, grasped a bit of the concept on my own.  However, Dr. Casey solidified the ideals and concepts into my mind.  I enjoyed greatly his display and play on words.  Hell meant something almost universally to use at the beginning of the lecture, and then entirely changed meaning when presented at the conclusion.  When presented in context, single words can change meaning entirely.  This solidifies the notion that words are solely words, and that symbols are empty without signification.  We create meaning to symbols and without universal understanding, we would not be able to communicate.

As suggested in class, it does seem like a miracle that when we can communicate successfully so often, as definitions and signification can change so easily.

I find a connection and relation to intertextuality as significations often change as result to the context of which the words or symbols are put into.  The context matters, intertextuality is inevitable.

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