Friday, December 12, 2008


Habermas is very interesting because he talks about how we define our culture today. He believes that modernity isn’t complete yet and that it still survives very strongly in post modernity. “The project of modernity has not yet been fulfilled”, he states, in describing how modernity has not yet finished. He believes that when you position modernity and traditionalism against each other that they yield anti-modernity, which looses both the historical notion of traditionalism and the progression of modernity.
One of the most interesting point in Habermas’s theory is when he talks about how consumerism has taken the place of democracy, and therefore choice. This is interesting because most would assume that consumerism yield a lot of choice, however he argues that the idea of choice that consumerism offers, isn’t really choice at all, but more a cloud of smoke. The choice between different types of toothpaste isn’t a real choice, because you’ve already gotten to the point of choosing between products. He says that the real choice comes in the form of whether or not one participates in consumerism, and that that choice is a product from how democracy has changed.

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