Monday, December 1, 2008

"It's Just Made for Television"

"Its just made for television" caught my attention. I interpreted Bourdieu’s statement as means to validate the variety of topics that are seen on TV. Recently, TV has become more sexualized and orientated towards drugs and alcohols. These themes are frequently found in almost every television show aired. I interpreted Bourdieu's quote as the justification for the inappropriate content found on TV. I think this statement can be used to justify the exorbitant amounts of sex and drug use that is often incorporated in any successful show aired. Sex and drugs are two themes which do capture viewer’s attentions and make these shows successful. These topics are appealing to many and make the television shows interesting. It's nearly impossible to watch a TV show that doesn't have sex and drug use or a reference to either of the two. TV impacts so many people and has the power to reach so many audiences so people on all levels are being influenced by the content found in television shows. In addition, I think the quote “ The evening news on French TV beings together more people than all the French newspapers together, morning and evening editions included. . . When the information supplied by a single news medium becomes a universal source of news, the resulting political and cultural effects are clear” ( 328). With this being true, so many French citizens are connected through this powerful communication outlet. This is fascinating because it really validates how TV affects people and can have an impact on what they see and hear about reality and worldly news. American TV has been known to falsify reality and alter the news. Since this outlet is so powerful and influential it’s hard for people to differentiate what’s been altered and what hasn’t. Therefore, maybe we aren’t getting the correct information and news but it’s playing a role in how we view the world and the rest of media.

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