Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Response to Aubrey's Post

I really enjoyed Aubrey's post on Repetition. I would like to note on her discussion of materialism and consumerism in contemporary American society. She discusses advertising and quotes " We are so fascinated and/or distracted with images that we don’t take the time to notice perhaps why we are buying these products of which pictures of are being thrown at us all day everyday". I must say that many people I know especially my friends are avid consumers. And, they are so distracted by everyday advertising from TV, the radio, magazines and all other outlets of media that they never take note why they are buying them in the first place. She discuess Andy Warhol and how he incoroporates simplicity in his artwork. Her paragraph rings true in contemporary society. She states....."It can be compared to the psychological idea that if you repeat an activity enough than it will become a common habit for you, or if you see something and are trained to react a certain way when seeing that image than that reaction will become normal for you as well when seeing that image..... We can relate to this in America today with all of the advertisements that one person views everyday, as well as the product placement in movies and television shows.....If someone sees a certain product a considerable amount of time and told that it will work well etc than that person will be likely to go and purchase that product...... The simplicity of repetition is very effective in the media"... I agree with this paragraph because simplicity of repetition is often seen in the media and it is very effective.

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