Monday, October 27, 2008

ideology and althusser

Althusser states the thesis that “ideology represents the imaginary relationship of individuals to their conditions of existence.” He mentions several times that ideologies are representations of what we really think things mean. I believe that this is true. From early on we are taught what’s right and what’s wrong. Listen to these people, be polite,
do your homework, clean your room, are all examples of concepts that we are told when we are young that somehow become standards of our daily life. We do things like this without questioning them, simply because we are told they are right. In this case here I believe that things like this are the “imaginary relationship” or the “representations,” simply because there are no enforces laws or rules that tell us we have to do these things, we simply just do them like a conditioned response. I feel what Althusser is saying here is to look at ideology as something that is naturally understood as what you do or what you think, because you have been told to think this way.

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