As Althusser explains we should not get the ideological apparatuses confused with the repressive which consists of the government, the administration, the army, the police, the courts, the prisons and also more. The repressive apparatuses functions by violence, whereas the ideological state apparatuses does not. The ideological state apparatuses present themselves in the form of distinct and specialized institutions, such as the religious ISA (church), the educational ISA (school), the family ISA, the legal ISA, the political ISA (includes the different parties) and more. I know it say exactly this is the reading, but as I said before I remember reading this last year in CMC100. Before even reading about it, I could picture the repressive state apparatuses and what institutions were included and what institutions were included in the ISA.
ISA- Private Domain- the institutions are generally private
RSA- Public Domain=Repressive (use violence)
That was a review for my self as well as the class.
a quote that stood out to me in Althusser was on page 44 his original thesis.
"it is not their real conditions of existence, their real world, that 'men' represent to themselves' in ideology, but above all it is their relation to those conditions of existence which is represented to them there."
what I believe this quote is saying is that it is not the men them self that create their ideologies, it is the conditions in which they live that create the ideologies for them.
I'm not sure if that is exactly what they are saying, but it is a start. If anyone wants to offer their own opinion on what Althusseur is trying to say, please reply. Help me understand, or go off of what I've already said.
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