Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Books before books before books?

In class on Tuesday, this question was asked: “Are there books that say what they mean, without depending directly on other books?” I said the Bible might be a possible answer, but we discussed how there must have been books before it since it was not all written at one time. This contradicts many people’s religious beliefs that the Bible is straight from the mouth of God.

I am truly stumped on this question and I am hesitating to answer no for some reason. When someone gave the example of Family Guy and how intertextual that show is, I understand how we need to relate things that are happening now to things that have already happened in the past for us to understand them better. Everything has to relate to something and by not telling the reader what that something is, this creates the gap, which makes it a writerly text that makes it inviting to read. What about a readerly text? If it is a set of rules to live by, do the rules have to relate to historical events?

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