Friday, September 12, 2008

postmodern architecture

I was relived when i read the handout and found that it was so much easier to understand than our past readings. Still it was hard to visualize all the terms until they were explained in class. I took the Visual Culture class last semester which explained what postmodernism looked like in are, movies and T.V,, but I we were only show one picture of a postmodern building. Knowing what postmodernism looks like in art and entertainment, I did not know how the same concept could appear in architecture. After seeing many pictures of different postmodern buildings i can see the similarities in patterns of postmodernism through the different mediums. In some postmodern T.V. shows like the Simpsons, clips from old movies or T.V. shows are often taken and reinvented in a satirical way and incorporated into the show. I could see the same trend in buildings like at Baldwin Park; they look the same as the past but there is a sense of irony to them. Also i understood the term radical eclecticism when compared to rap songs or postmodern art that uses mixed media. A postmodern installation piece that was in the Cornel Fine Arts Museum took up a whole room and had so many different mediums and elements to it including, sound, sculptures, painting on the walls, and lots of random objects. I looked for more examples if postmodern architecture online and I could see the similarities between this piece and buildings like the crooked house designed by Szotynscy Zaleski, and some of Kisho Kurokawa's work in Japan. I also found how terms like anthropomophism could be applied in other postmodern mediums other than architecture. I found examples if this in things like political cartoons and many paintings. Multivalence can be found in sculpture such as pieces that were in the CFAM last spring by Louise Nevelson. I thought this lecture was very helpful in not only explaining postmodern architecture, but in explaining how postmodernism was really an era thats style can be found in every medium possible. 

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