Sunday, September 21, 2008

McDonalds, "Antiques made to order", and Teamwork

The first idea we generated Thursday's class was the business of McDonald's. I think everyone made valid points concerning the idea affiliated with it and the how others perceive it. I think McDonald's, is a good business. The business itself has survived in the face of competition, ie Burger King and Wendy's and so many other fast food franchises that have tried to re-create the idea of McDonald's but have not succeeded in overtaking McDonald's at all. And, McDonald's is still the dominant, most successful fast food business. However, I have noticed and experienced the stigma attached with this business overseas in Munich, Germany last summer.
I was walking around the city with my friends and some Germans passed us, laughed and said McDonald's. Experiencing that I realized, but already knew, how America is associated with McDonald's and not in a positive way. It's been the signature of our country for a long time. It has such negative connotations affiliated with America so I wasn't surprised or shocked when I heard the Germans mocking us to our faces. Our country feeds on desire and indulgence which is taken over with consumerism. This idea is apparent amongst those from other countries because it is highly emphasized in our media. America is such an over indulgent, affluent country and it's known to other cultures. This goes along with with the ideas I discussed in my first Blog, Re-Invention about how America runs on the notion of faster and bigger. Everything is quick, no one in our society wants to wait on anything. Hence, the reason for fast food restaurants, FedEx, Ti-Vo, Iphones along with many other quick fixes and tools. There's very little patience. Consumerism and the idea of quicker both make up the idea of United States.
I also wanted to comment on the quotes that every group discussed and evaluated. The first quote, "Antiques made to order" generated an interesting argument. I interpreted it as antiques can't be reproduced but in modern times anything can be reproduced. And, how everything in our society is mass produced but not antiques. However, my ideas were quickly shut down. The class decided that yes antiques can be reproduced and just because they are old doesn't mean more of a product cannot be found in other stores.
I really enjoyed working with groups and hearing the interpretations. It was a great way to discuss and actively get involved with our reading. Also, teamwork is always a great device. Teamwork is extremely valuable in business and is a great way to gain new perspectives and generate new ideas concerning advertising, marketing and even sales. Plus, it's always important to get feedback from others on specific topics and run ideas of off others. Two minds are better than one in every scenario. Not one person has all the answers and good ideas. Teamwork in business, school or anything else is definitely found on the road to success and is something that is not emphasized or practiced enough in college.

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