Wednesday, September 3, 2008


Fear is a great word to describe our country as we stated in class and others have described in their own blogs. Not only is it about fear of desease, or germs, or a sunburn. We don't just buy products because we believe it will prevent these things, the companies that sell the products tap into our fear knowing we will buy it. This discussion in class reminded me of few times I have noticed companies trying to instill fear in people in order to gain a profit.
For example, a friend of mine received a letter on his door from a security company explaining that there were quite a few beak-in's in the area, and that purchasing their service would help prevent that from happening to them. First of all, it says around the area. Does that mean Florida? Central Florida? Orlando? That particular friend lives over by UCF, I live in winter springs and a couple days later received the same pamphlet on my door. So you see this particular company was playing into our fear in order to gain business.
I am not saying that break-in's don't occur, and that people shouldn't wear sunscreen or condoms, but I also believe sometimes companies will instill this fear to consumers, for a profit.
Elections are right around the corner, and I also believe fear is used to sway voters a certain way. For example, If you don't vote for this particular president/party, our country will continue to suffer. Or this particular president wants to raise your taxes.
This idea of fear is all around us, persuading Americans to act a certain way or buy certain products. The sad thing is a lotof us buy into it, and most of the time we have to.

1 comment:

Scarlett Wishes said...

Every president will raise taxes. No matter what they say.... especially if it is... "Read my lips, no new taxes.."--Bush Sr. 1988

You gave a great example and pointed out a great flaw in the use of the word "area."

"Scarlett Wishes"