Wednesday, September 10, 2008

SW Architecture

“Perhaps this reflects the sense of loss which underlies so many of the departures which can be characterized with the prefix “post” (Jencks 292).

I didn’t really associate post with loss until reading this article, more particularly this line. While “post” cultural understandings and movements usually lead to new, and mostly exciting things, I didn’t really think about what we lose by moving into the “post.”

Using examples of architecture I can relate this idea of post modernism- but am still struggling with the idea.

We don’t call Craftsman style homes the “post Victorian era” even though it follows directly chronologically. But we can see how the Craftsman style was influenced by Victorian homes. Perhaps influenced is not the right word I am looking for. The craftsman style wanted to be everything the Victorian wasn’t. The craftsman style opted for less ornate details, simpler lines, as well as a better appreciation of the crafts man.

The quality of workmanship went up, local materials were used, and an emphasis was put on handmade, instead of machine produced wares.

Because houses tend to last for a hundred years, and are constantly being built, when we move from the Victorian, Craftsman, Art Deco, and Modern, we don’t lose the art of the originals, however we lose something when these styles are replicated outside of their historical dates.

Even if a machine can replicate something to look hand made, it is not handmade. It loses authenticity. This easily spans to the idea of a baseball or any other memorabilla that is signed. Sure Gary Carter’s signature can be screened onto a ball, but there is no way for it to hold the same meaning as the real thing.

Can something be created outside of it time? Could someone really build a Craftsman styled house in 2008 and have it truly be Craftsman?

So as for this Post modernity concept of culture. I went back to the blog and Brian had stated “Defining postmodernism in terms of art or film is comparatively easy because the principles of art are concrete and therefore can be described. But how do you characterize cultural postmodernism?” So I understand the concept but as cultural entity how can I make this work?

“Scarlett Wishes”

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