Sunday, September 28, 2008


I started thinking about authenticity, and the Original and since we have been talking about mash-up I immediatly thought about song covers.

I have no problem with covers of songs. I am a huge oldies fan, and I love the upbeat and new take on the classic. My problem with covers is when people copy a classic... and some people don't know that its a cover. We credit these artists, in some cases, as being the creator.

The example I will use is "Can't Help Falling in Love." The song was written by George Weiss, Hugo Peretti and Luigi Creatore and was rewritten for Elvis in 1961.

Fast forward to 1993 and UB40 covered the song.

Then in 2003 Disney released "Lilo and Stich." Which had the Europop group A*Teens cover the song.

In 2007 America's Got Talent challenged competitor Cas Haley to sing the song.

While there have been many more covers of this song as well as covers of other songs do you think that in order to fully understand and appreciate the song that you must know the history?

I mean I think that many of the children watching "Lilo and Stitch," didn't say "Hey that is the A*Teens covering an Elvis song!"

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